Wealth Foundations and Retirement Blueprint
This is designed for Canadians who are in the early or middle stages of building their careers and are looking to take control of their finances.
Who It's For:
Whether you’re a couple, have children, or flying solo, if retirement is still more than 10 years away, this engagement is designed to help you understand your current financial fundamentals, optimize your cash flow, and confidently set aside money for the future in a tax-efficient and strategic manner.

What's Involved?

Over 12 weeks, we’ll guide you step-by-step to:
Understand Your Cash Flow: Learn where your money is going and how to take control.
Automate the Basics: Set up systems to manage your finances efficiently with minimal effort.
Review Your Tax Situation: Ensure you’re not paying more tax than necessary.
Create and Prioritize Goals: Define your financial goals and determine what matters most to you.
Make Key Decisions: Decide where to set money aside and how much to allocate for future goals.
We’ll help you get organized, create a tailored plan, and gain clarity and confidence about your financial future. Supported by a professional financial planner, you’ll be set up for long-term financial success.
Our Process
Initial discovery call (1 hour)
2 hour long Financial planning review sessions (dictated by complexity)
Follow up planning deliverables (meeting notes/calculations/written planning recommendations and supporting material)
Timeframe of Modular Engagements
3 months from start to completion
*Any engagements exceeding three months will be charged a retainer fee of $250/month until the engagement is completed.
$1,950 + sales tax
Book your Complimentary Consultation now to find out more!